To all of Hinton Voters ...
I thank you for your confidence in allowing me to continue as a member of the Hinton City Council. My entire adult life has been devoted to making a difference for my hometown of Hinton. I previously served as Mayor for 18 years and now serve as a member of Hinton's City Council. The past four (4) years on council has been an absolute honor and privilege. I thank each of you who voted on Tuesday, May 14, so that we can continue moving Hinton forward!
I grew up in the West End of Hinton. My father was a railroader, my mother a homemaker, and I was raised with the goodness of small town values and the principle of hard work. My mother put me to work early delivering the Hinton Daily News from the West End to 5th Avenue. I came to know every street and corner and its citizens. I am proud of my hometown and have long been an active member of the community, devoted to helping its citizens, my neighbors, and all who visit to a wonderful small town experience. I have been blessed to be able to serve Hinton for over 20 years as a dedicated public servant. My efforts are reflected throughout the City of Hinton and I am, and forever will be, most proud to call Hinton my hometown. - JimLeslie

A total of 797 citizens voted in the June 9, 2020, Hinton Primary Election.
A total of 661 citizens voted in the May 14th, 2024, Hinton Primary Election
I want to thank each and every one of you for exercising your RIGHT TO VOTE and for CARING enough about this community to vote. Even though I know that each voter may not vote for me, what is important is that you get out and vote! We all must continue the work together for the next four (4) years to move our community forward, to grow economically, and make our community all it can be! JimLeslie2020 and beyond!
Jim Leslie

My daughter, Heather Leslie, with the 64.8 lb. Amberjack caught by brother, Brian, and Jim with his Black Fin Tuna catch at the Destin Fishing Rodeo
October 17, 2024
Destin, Florida

GET INVOLVED!! CONTACT Jim with your comments and feedback.