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"I have been involved with public service for as long as I can remember. I want to work for you. My top priorities are to create more living wage jobs, cleanup abandoned structures that are eyesores to our city, provide adequate and affordable housing for our residents, and bring new businesses to Hinton. With two decades of government experience, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate the complicated governmental agencies, and get things done."
Hinton Land Reuse Agency Form

  1. Recruitment/Development of Businesses

     especially Stokes Drive and Downtown Historic District

  2. Community Appearance

    Clean Up, Fix Up or Tear Down

  3. Sewerage Fee
    Water and Sewer bill should not approximate each otherWhy is this happening? What can we do about it?

What are YOUR Concerns?
by Jim Leslie
Transit bus picture

January 17, 2020

I have been working on a plan for some time to bring area transportation to Hinton (and of course Summers County) and eventually, hopefully, to the adjoining counties, particularly for our citizens seeking employment during our rebuilding process to bring jobs and businesses to Summers County. This will not be easy, but it must be done...with county and city governments working together with state and federal government. The plan will be forthcoming on my website.  - Jim

I wish you luck with the endeavor. This was always of particular interest to me, being from Summers County. It just wasn’t seen as feasible by the locality when BAT had proposed service previously. I would explore the groundwork that has been established previously. I believe the representation of Summers County at the time determined that the very limited amount of buy in on their part was not worth it, as people wanted to go to Beckley, not towards Princeton/ Bluefield. Apparently, they did not see the unlimited variations based on local transportation needs and were comfortable that everyone was willing to forego having access to public transportation on any level as the respondents were operating on an all or nothing paradigm.

                       - Jessica Webb, former WVDPT employee

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